
Friday, September 27, 2013

Cartoons: the Republican circus

image: cartoon by Steve Sack, "On Lockdown"
Steve Sack, "On Lockdown," The Week
That the Republicans in Congress are holding the government hostage over Obamacare really twists my knickers.  Having lost count of the number of times they've voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA, aka Obamacare, I checked today.  At present it's 42 times.  Fortunately Democrats in the Senate have given the government and Obamacare a little more time.
image: cartoon by Steve Benson, "GOP Circus"
Steve Benson, "GOP Circus,"
image: cartoon by MichaelRamirez, "Leading From Behind"
Michael Ramirez, "Leading From Behind," The Week

image: cartoon by Jim Morin about defunding ACA
Jim Morin, Miami Herald/McClatchy
image: cartoon by MarshallRamsey, "Shut Down the Government"
Marshall Ramsey, "Shut Down the Government," USNews

image: cartoon by Mike Luckovich "The Grumpy Old Party"
Mike Luckovich "The Grumpy Old Party," The Week
A huge thanks to these fine cartoonists for their insights.

-- Marge

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