
Friday, June 21, 2013

This Friday's jabs at government

Today we're exploring with words and pictures government transparency.  Don't get me wrong -- I like Obama and think he's a fine person and his leadership style shows forethought and restraint, for the most part.  But considering all that's been revealed about his administration lately, when he says he stands for transparency in government I don't believe it.  It could be that hounds from hell are sniffing out every crack in Washington that will reveal Obama in a bad light and all that was hidden became known in the last month.  Maybe so.

At any rate, here's my theme and variations on government transparency with an aside thrown in.

As a nod to Obama's apparent transformation to Tricky Dicky, there's this from Cagle Post -- Rick McKee's "Transparent Obama:"
image: cartoon by Rick McKee, "Transparent Obama"
From Mike Keefe, formerly with the Denver Post, is this piece showing what we know vs. what the government knows:
image: cartoon by Mike Keefe, "Government Transparency"
Looking at one of the mechanisms that lifts the veil, Kevin Kallaugher, aka KAL and a contributor to the Economist, depicts WikiLeaks:
image: cartoon by KAL, "WikiLeaks"
Last on the topic of transparency is Bob Gorrell's "Invisibility Cloak," published at The Week:
image: cartoon by Bob Gorrell, "Invisibility Cloak"
This next cartoon, also published at The Week, made me laugh.  It's by R.J.Matson and titled "An Ear to the Ground."
image: cartoon by R.J.Matson, "An Ear to the Ground"
And that's it for today, Folks.

-- Marge

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