
Friday, March 03, 2017

Cartoons: the big-time operators' tactics

You've probably guessed by now that I see Republicans' tactics as anathema to the well-being of America. Author Robin Abcarian quotes Allen Frances, who recently joined the Democratic Party, in President Trump is a 'world class narcissist,' but he's not mentally ill, says the psychiatrist who helped define narcissism:
Until recently, he said, “I would not have felt wedded to either party, but my highest political principle is fairness. Republicans do everything to rig the system against fairness. I don’t have personal love for the Democratic Party, but it’s the last salvation against the Dark Age.”
My thoughts exactly.

Here are some observations by cartoonists on the Republican approach to repealing Obamacare (AKA the Affordable Care Act).

image: cartoon by David Fitzsimmons
David Fitzsimmons, The Week
image: cartoon by Joe Heller
Joe Heller, The Week

And this little gem sums up Republicans' economic approach well.
image: cartoon by Chan Lowe
Chan Lowe, The Week

-- Marge

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