
Friday, April 17, 2015

Cartoons: pretending to be pure

Hypocrisy is an ugly word and even uglier to see in action, but we're seeing a lot of it lately.

O.K. Cuban leaders do not have a clean record when it comes to human rights; but, thanks to America's response to 9/11, neither do we.  See Gitmo.
image: cartoon by John Cole
John Cole, The Week

Do you think the Republican Party will ever rejoin humanity?
image: cartoon by Tom Toles
Tom Toles, The Week

Shame on you, Atlanta teachers. What if you catch your students cheating?
image: cartoon by Rick McKee
Rick McKee, The Week

Now that April 15th, aka Tax Day in the U.S., is over, we can laugh.
image: cartoon by Marshall Ramsey
Marshall Ramsey, The Week

-- Marge

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