
Friday, July 29, 2016

Cartoons: Bernie-love lives on, despite the DNC

Apparently Julian Assange of Wikileaks doesn't want Hillary to win either (see link below). More disturbing is the suspicion that Russia is trying to influence the 2016 election. The New York Times reports "Spy Agency Consensus Grows That Russia Hacked D.N.C." To say nothing of the hit on my misplaced trust in the democratic process.

The cartoons below tell the story of the convention, mostly from a pro-Bernie viewpoint. Hat's off to cartoonists David Horsey and Drew Sheneman, both beautifully on-topic.
image: cartoon by David Horsey
David Horsey, The Week
image: cartoon by Drew Sheneman
Drew Sheneman, The Week
image: cartoon by David Horsey
David Horsey, The Week
image: cartoon by Steve Sack
Steve Sack, The Week
image: cartoon by John Deering
John Deering, The Week
image: cartoon by Drew Sheneman
Drew Sheneman, The Week

-- Marge

Friday, July 22, 2016

Cartoons: It's Trump's Republican Party Now

At the beginning of the GOP convention it may have been this:
image: cartoon by Chan Lowe
Chan Lowe, The Week

Now it's this: (Nice play on Grant Wood's "American Gothic," RJ.)
image: cartoon by RJ Matson
RJ Matson, The Week

Somewhere along the way dissenting Republicans got booted:
image: cartoon by Dana Summers
Dana Summers, The Week

A-n-d It’s Donald Trump’s Republican Party Now. Don't you just love the butt heart?
image: cartoon by Michael Ramirez
Michael Ramirez, The Week

-- Marge

Friday, July 15, 2016

Cartoons: is there a mystery candidate?

Batten down the hatches, the GOP convention starts Monday in Cleveland. It should be quite a show.

In 2012 the Onion published a video, GOP Introduces New "Mystery Candidate" With Paper Bag Over Head. The text of the article reads "Republicans will reveal the identity of the Mystery Candidate only after he, or she, wins the election." Cartoonist Bob Gorrell remembers.
image: cartoon by Bob Gorrell
Bob Gorrell, The Week

Trump will go into the convention with his new running mate Indiana Gov. Mike Pence. (Be aware, Hillary's campaign ads are posted smack dab in the middle of the article.)
image: cartoon by Gary Varvel
Gary Varvel, The Week

So, is the GOP deceased?
image: cartoon by Tom Toles
Tom Toles, The Week

-- Marge

Friday, July 08, 2016

Cartoons: who you gonna turn to?

It's beginning to look like all systems everywhere are rigged. Is that paranoia? If so, I got it.

If Trump lived on Jupiter, this is what he'd say.
image: cartoon by David Fitzsimmons
David Fitzsimmons, The Week

Even if the Republicans lose the presidential election, there's still their jerry-rigged, uhm gerrymandered, systems that falsely represent the voters. BTW, the symbol on the table in front of Trump is an altered one for the KKK according to Forbidden Symbols.
image: cartoon by Bob Englehart
Bob Englehart, The Week

So, who's winning in the presidential race? Does it really matter?
image: cartoon by Chan Lowe
Chan Lowe, The Week

-- Marge

Friday, July 01, 2016

Cartoons: putting Benghazi to rest

We have two topics today--the House Benghazi Report of 2016 and Brexit.

In the case of the report: House Benghazi Report Finds No New Evidence of Wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton. According to this reference, expenses to produce the report over a period greater than 2 years are estimated to be more than $7 million. Here's how some cartoonists view it.
image: cartoon by Pat Bagley
Pat Bagley, The Week
image: cartoon by John Darkow
John Darkow, The Week
image: cartoon by Drew Sheneman
Drew Sheneman, The Week

At least 62% of Scots want to remain in the European Union; The Guardian asks, Can Scotland remain in the EU after Brexit?  The Telegraph reports on where the EU referendum won and lost, saying Northern Ireland, Scotland and London only areas not to vote for Brexit. Here's some humor to go along with the news.
image: cartoon by David Horsey
David Horsey, The Week
image: cartoon by Marian Kamensky
Marian Kamensky, The Week
