
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

DIY: cardboard furniture, the Wiggle Chair, and other pieces

In the early 70's artist-architect-entrepreneur Frank Gehry gave the world the "Wiggle Chair," pictured below.  Possibly the first piece of cardboard furniture, it's also a fine piece of art.  For more information on the history of cardboard as furniture, take a look at "Cardboard furniture. Are you kidding?" by Kerry Derwent-Robb.
image: photo by Sailko (Wikimedia) of Frank Gehry's "Wiggle Chair"
Frank Gehry, "Wiggle Chair" (1972), Sailko
If you would like to try your hand at making some cardboard objects/furniture, you can find a bunch of ideas (no projects) at Inhabitat.  The sample below is for sale at Vicara Exploratory Design:
image: cardboard lamp by Fabio Afonso, "Cartonado de Mesa"
Fabio Afonso, "Cartonado de Mesa," Vicara
You can find some good information, templates, and ideas for cardboard projects at the Leo Kempf site. Here's an illustration of one of his projects:
image: cardboard furniture by Leo Kempf, "Speech-Bubble Discussion Coffee Table"
Leo Kempf, "Speech-Bubble Discussion Coffee Table"
Foldschool also has some projects; they're well documented with a manual and patterns you can download.

If you just want to read more about cardboard furniture, try Gizmodo and Chairigami.

-- Marge

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