
Friday, August 16, 2013

Cartoons: TSA

I don't know about you, but I find this scarey: "T.S.A. Expands Duties Beyond Airport Security."  Visions of a police state come to mind.  According to the article, I'm not the only one alarmed:
With little fanfare, the agency best known for airport screenings has vastly expanded its reach to sporting events, music festivals, rodeos, highway weigh stations and train terminals. Not everyone is happy.

T.S.A. and local law enforcement officials say the teams are a critical component of the nation’s counterterrorism efforts, but some members of Congress, auditors at the Department of Homeland Security and civil liberties groups are sounding alarms. The teams are also raising hackles among passengers who call them unnecessary and intrusive.
This meme, popular with bloggers and originator unknown, sums it up well.
image:  police state meme, creator unknown
According to this article and slideshow by Glenn Mcdonald (he has a website, too) -- "10 Signs You're Living in a Police State" -- we're not quite there.  While we're waiting, here are some cartoons about the TSA for your amusement.
image: cartoon by Jeff Darcy, "TSA Turkey Prep Tips"
Jeff Darcy,
image: cartoon by Michael Ramirez, "Cavity Searches"
Michael Ramirez,
image: cartoon by JohnDarkow, "Knives on a plane"
John Darkow,
There's some excellent artwork here.

-- Marge

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