
Friday, April 21, 2017

Cartoons: White House anomalies

So far we've seen a number of events and actions coming from and related to the White House that just don't make sense and/or look fishy.

Trump's trips to Mar-a-Lago and their estimated cost are still an unknown, but they look pretty pricey. The sheriff of the local police department says his department has accrued $1.5 million in overtime costs and he thinks the Feds will reimburse him.
image: cartoon by Bill Day
Bill Day, The Week

Cartoonist Tom Toles suggests that Trump's infrastruction plan includes privatizing national monuments. Seems plausible to me.
image: cartoon by Tom Toles
Tom Toles, The Week

Meanwhile the U.S.S. Carl Vinson may have made an illegal left turn, maybe not.
image: cartoon by Nate Beeler
Nate Beeler, The Week

For sure, many Trump products for sale were not manufactured in the U.S.
image: cartoon by Chan Lowe
Chan Lowe, The Week

In closing, here are some basic truths about the U.S. vs. Korea matter.
image: cartoon by Drew Sheneman
Drew Sheneman, The Week

-- Marge

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