
Friday, October 28, 2016

Cartoons: it's all in who's looking at it

Here are some viewpoints you may or may not find laughable.

Many news sources are reporting the demise of ObamaCare, despite its success in some states. The insurance companies are one of the parties contributing to its demise. (In case the print is too small to read, here's what it says: "We're pulling out of the ObamaCare marketplace. We can't continue to sell insurance to the poor if they're going to insist on using it.")
image: cartoon by Drew Sheneman
Drew Sheneman, The Week

Here's a sweet headline from MarketWatch: Your baby monitor may have contributed to last week’s massive internet hack.
image: cartoon by Dan Wasserman
Dan Wasserman, The Week

For all the worry about funding another war in the Middle East, we've already funded one right here in America.
image: cartoon by Joe Heller
Joe Heller, The Week

-- Marge

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