
Friday, August 05, 2016

Cartoons: Zika, academic testing, and Trump (again)

The 2016 Summer Olympics start today with the lighting of the cauldron by someone not Pelé. Here's cartoonist Nate Beeler's take on the event.
image: cartoon by Nate Beeler
Nate Beeler, The Week

And school starts soon. Cartoonist Marshall Ramsey calls it "testing." Former venture capitalist and education philanthropist Ted Dintersmith and Education Fellow at the Technology & Entrepreneurship Center at Harvard (whew!) Tony Wagner co-wrote an article about academic testing and what it does not accomplish: Opinion: America desperately needs to redefine ‘college and career ready'. Is it old-fashioned or misguided to wonder what happened to learning for the sake of learning?
image: cartoon by Marshall Ramsey
Marshall Ramsey, The Week

Then there's Trump...again. This time he's insulted the parents of Capt. Humayun Khan, who was killed in Iraq. Trump claims to have sacrificed as much as the Khan family did; the twitter-verse weighed-in.
image: cartoon by David Horsey
David Horsey, The Week

Meanwhile, Paul Ryan, Republican Speaker of the House, responds.
image: cartoon by Mike Luckovich
Mike Luckovich, The Week

-- Marge

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