
Friday, March 18, 2016

Cartoons: everyone has a story

The mix today looks at the Flint Michigan hearings; an Edward R. Murrow quote about campaigns as circus; whether voters are anti-republican establishment or anti-democrat establishment; and the true winner of the 2016 election.

In the congressional hearings on who dropped the ball in Flint, there are several ways to look at it. Here are two: The poisonous conservative thinking that caused the Flint crisis and Will Anyone Accept Responsibility for Flint?
image: cartoon by Clay Jones
Clay Jones, The Week

I never knew that newscaster Edward R. Murrow could be so wise. Here are some of his quotes.
image: cartoon by David Horsey
David Horsey, The Week

Journalists appear to be defining Bernie Sanders as an anti-Democratic-establishment candidate and Donald Trump as an anti-Republican-establishment candidate. The Washington Post has a series called The great unsettling. This may come closer to the truth.
image: cartoon by Glenn McCoy
Glenn McCoy, The Week

And now, ta-da, the true outcome of the 2016 presidential election:
image: cartoon by Scott Stantis
Scott Stantis, The Week

-- Marge

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