
Friday, December 04, 2015

Cartoons: is it the world or our perceptions that are warped?

Today's mix includes comments on global warming and the Paris climate talks, college youth today, and a "new" definition of the Nativity, which may have been the definition all along.

No doubt Earth is in a desperate place right now, not necessarily from global warming alone; there's terrorism, closed minds, and greed heading a list of problems to numerous to name.
image: cartoon by Adam Zyglis
Adam Zyglis, The Week

Representing developing nations as Pigpen from Charles Schultz' Peanuts may seem to be in poor taste, but his character had a lot of depth to it. However, on the surface, Pigpen fits the Western nations' view of the undeveloped. At least that's how I see it. This week food was on the agenda at the Paris climate talks.
image: cartoon by Bob Gorrell
Bob Gorrell, The Week

That somewhat uncertain high school graduate recently sent off to college may return a stranger and a noxious one at that.
image: cartoon by David Horsey
David Horsey, The Week

Does making the Christmas Nativity an all-white program make it better or just more comfortable?
image: cartoon by Mike Luckovich
Mike Luckovich, The Week

-- Marge

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