
Friday, November 06, 2015

Cartoons: boots on/in the ground

Here are some bits today on American boots in Syria, the rising rate of middle-aged Americans biting the dust, and breadcrumbs for the GOP contenders.

The Atlantic asks in Cliché of the Moment: ‘Boots on the Ground’,
Since when did footwear decide whether or not America is at war?
How true! No, we're not talking about bunny boots.
image: cartoon by Rick McKee
Rick McKee, The Week

Here's some unexpected and unwelcome news from the American front: A group of middle-aged whites in the U.S. is dying at a startling rate.
image: cartoon by Drew Sheneman
Drew Sheneman, The Week

Then there's the GOP front. Do you think that more control over the debates will give those running a better chance? GOP contenders demand greater control over crucial debates. This circus' finale will be the 2016 Republican National Convention in July. Then the heat's on until the federal election in November. Then it will be over for a while, but not long enough.
image: cartoon by Walt Handelsman
Walt Handelsman, The Week

-- Marge

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