
Friday, August 21, 2015

Cartoons: Amazon, Ashley Madison, and the fifth party

Big news this week from the New York Times is the exposé of Amazon's work culture.
image: cartoon by Bob Gorell
Bob Gorell, The Week

In a followup article the Times reports:
Until the publication of the article, Amazon’s management practices had been a matter of quiet debate in Seattle. But after the article was published and Mr. Bezos’s letter was released, current and former Amazonians wrote on social media, technology websites and The Times website to compare experiences and debate the strengths and weaknesses of the culture. Some defended the culture as highly demanding but humane, while others described feeling pummeled by unrelenting demands, over-the-top competition, and a feeling they could never meet the standards that the company boasts are “unreasonably high.”
image: cartoon by David Horsey
David Horsey, The Week

Ashley Madison data has been dumped. If you want to know if you’re in the Ashley Madison leak, there are sites where you can check. Read the article.
image: cartoon by Paul Zenetti
Paul Zenetti, The Week

And, of course, Donald Trump cartoons are now obligatory.
image: cartoon by Bill Schorr
Bill Schorr, The Week

Those disenchanted with the current political scene are talking about starting third, fourth and fifth parties.
image: cartoon by Tom Toles
Tom Toles, The Week

-- Marge

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