
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

DIY: your basic tool kit

What better way to get ready for summer than to set up your toolkit? Two sites have good articles on how to do that: lifehacker and diyNetwork.

I particularly like this portion of the lifehacker article: "The Cheapskate/MacGyver-ish Toolbox." Quoting the article:
According to Clint Eastwood's character Walt Kowalski in the movie Gran Torino, you can do half of your household chores with just three things: WD-40, a vise grip (adjustable pliers), and a roll of duct tape. As the Art of Manliness points out, the vise grips can stand in for pliers, a pipe wrench, wire cutters, a clamp, a ratchet, and, in a pinch, a hammer. Meanwhile, WD-40 has over 2,000 handy uses, and you know duct tape is an essential tool for every would-be MacGyver.

If you're not sure what some of these tools even look like, take a look at the slideshow from diyNetwork's "Setting up a basic DIY toolkit." Here are locking pliers (AKA vise-grips or mole grips). Personally I find channellock pliers fast and easy to use.
image: photo of locking pliers/vise-grips
locking pliers/vise-grips, DIYnetwork

If you're a crafter, your tools are usually specific to the craft at hand. But here's list--"Crafting 101: Basic Toolkit"--from BipolarGurl at Persephone Magazine that may be helpful.

-- Marge

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