
Wednesday, August 06, 2014

DIY: staying sane in crazy times

image: cartoon by Rick McKee, The Augusta Chronicle
Rick McKee, The Augusta Chronicle
With reports of war, aggressive actions, tyranny, children in distress and increasing violence of all sorts multiplying exponentially, it's time for some psychological self-preservation.  One could just turn off the TV and radio and stop reading, or at least tune out the news, but that seems somewhat self-defeating. And, considering the current state of the world, it may be dangerous not to have some warning.

Another possibility for self-preservation is humor, particularly satire.  Dr. George Simon, psychologist and responder to Ask the Psychologist, writes "Satire [is] Snideness that Satisfies."

To me Jon Stewart's presentations of the news in The Daily Show feel like fresh air in the way he cuts through the feldergarb.
image: photo from Jon Stewart's The Daily Show
Jon Stewart, Let's Buy CNN Kickstarter, The Daily Show

Stephen Colbert's presentations in the Colbert Report are similar to Jon's but more clearly satiric, in that you're often not quite sure whether he's being serious or sarcastic.
image: photo from Stephen Colbert's The Colbert Report
Stephen Colbert, The Colbert Report

Other resources for satire are The Onion, The Daily Currant, and National Report.

If you feel you must act out, here are "Fourteen Insane Ways to Stay Sane During These Crazy Times." Be warned: doing any of these things will probably get a reaction, maybe adverse.

-- Marge

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