
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

DIY: more about 2D animation

At Animation and Video you can find an article with videos demonstrating "Six D.I.Y. Video Animation Tools."  Two of them are most interesting--GoAnimate and Moovly.

GoAnimate emphasizes creating videos for business presentations online and is fairly pricy, beginning at $39/month with more expensive plans available.  Here's one of their introductory videos:
You can sign up for free at Moovly, also an online application.  Here are some of your creative options:
image: screen capture from
Moovly creative options
The interesting features in Moovly are being able to manipulate the timeline, as in a full-blown animation program and to add images, sound, and snippets from other videos.  Here's one their introductory videos:
Moovly has a channel on YouTube. Searching on the term Moovly at YouTube you'll find a lot of users who are working with it.

That aside, if you really want to do animation, nothing beats a full-blown animation program like Toon Boom Studio (currently on sale for $149) or Animate.  KTooN is open source and has good reviews at Sourceforge, where it's available for download.  There's a list of 2D animation software at Wikipedia, but I suspect it's fairly old.

Animator Adam Phillips does some interesting work and offers tutorials on his site

 -- Marge

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