
Monday, April 21, 2014

Earth changes--sculpted by wind and flowing water and...

To me some of the most visually interesting photos taken show the effects of erosion.
image: photo showing erosion
Erosion, photo origin unknown (a web favorite)

To help scientists with their research, astronauts have photographed the Grand Canyon--a prime example of erosion effects--from the International Space Station:
image: photo of Grand Canyon taken from International Space Station
NASA, Grand Canyon , Daily Mail

As an aside, NASA has a site devoted to Landsat (image gallery here), as well.  According to the about page,
The Landsat program offers the longest continuous global record of the Earth’s surface; it continues to deliver visually stunning and scientifically valuable images of our planet.

A search on "grand canyon erosion" at Google Images yielded many eye-catching photos.  Here is a sampling of what came up.
image: Grand Canyon erosion
Grand Canyon striation, Protocol Architecture
image: ancient site exposed by erosion
Ancient site exposed by erosion, National Park Service (NPS)
image: photo by Justin Black
Justin Black, Emergent#1, Yelp

Carl Zimmer at Phenomena, a science salon hosted by National Geographic, states that the Grand Canyon is 17 million years old.

-- Marge

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