
Wednesday, March 05, 2014

DIY: Recycle fashion

In January my local art gallery, IGCA (International Gallery of Contemporary Art), presented its yearly contemporary art/fashion show, called Object Runway.  Most of the entries in the show are made from recycled materials.  Everyone has a lot of fun at the show and the gallery exhibit that follows is quite popular.  Here's a pic of one of the entries (I hear the piece weighs 50 pounds):
image: Entry in Object Runway 5
Beth Daly Gamble wears a piece by Sheila Wyne made of 10,000 translucent drinking straws during the International Gallery of Contemporary Art’s 5th annual art fashion show Object Runway on Friday, January 23, 2014 at the Bear Tooth Theatre. BOB HALLINEN — Anchorage Daily News

As a do-it-yourself project, making clothing from recycled and found materials is only limited by your imagination and an eye for what may be usable.  Seems to me the only rules are that the piece be wearable--the model/wearer can move in it--and sturdy enough not to fall off.  Modesty may or may not be a consideration.  To me the best pieces flow or move in an appealing way with the wearer.

For inspiration here are two articles. One approaches the term recycle from the angle of re-purposing old fabrics with the idea of making a usable garment.
image: gown made from repurposed fabric
Rachel Wright, Green Diary

The other approaches recycle with the idea of making a visual statement--and something possibly wearable--from found materials.
image: garbage bag couture
Robin Barcus Slonina, "States of Dress," Brit+Co

In closing here's an interesting story from Wisconsin about one teen's prom dress, made from candy wrappers:

-- Marge

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