
Wednesday, February 05, 2014

DIY: Faux metal wall art

Want to make something with a different look, maybe metal, but don't want to get into welding, grinding, and all that grittiness?  Take a look at some of these projects.

Probably the most popular on the web is metal decorative squares made from toilet paper tubes.  Here's Suzy's story and the project.
image: faux metal wall art by Suzy
Faux metal wall art, Suzy's Artsy-Craftsy Sitcom

Anna at her blog, Take the Side Street, shows how to make a distressed, rusty arrow
from plywood.
image: faux metal arrow by Anna
Faux metal arrow (detail), Take The Side Street

Emily at Newly Wifes (sic) shows how to put together a wall piece using washers (the kind that are used with screws).
image: Washer art by Emily
Washer art, NewlyWifes

If you want something metalish for your wall, but don't have the time to make it, here's a selection from Etsy.  This work by Inspiring Art is outstanding.
image:  metal wall art by Inspiring Art
Inspiring Art, Etsy

And here's a Japanese artist, Takahiro Yede, doing some interesting work.  Take a moment to read what he has to say about his work.
image: metalwork by Takahiro Yede
Takahiro Yede,

-- Marge

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