
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Halloween DIY: frou-frou tutus and other whimsy

While there are happy accidents, most creations start with an idea and proceed to a plan. Here are some ideas for this year's Halloween costume.  Mostly I'm offering parts of costumes for you to mix-and-match as you choose.  My idea of a cool costume is a black unitard (or tights and leotard) with some cover-up for eye-appeal 'correction' and an outrageous hat.  Maybe add an angel wing shrug ($26.80) depending on the theme of the outfit.

At there are frou frou tutus--ready-made, custom-made, and kits.  Prices average from 15 to 30 dollars.
image:  frou frou tutu
frou frou tutu,
Relache's lens at Squidoo, "Make Your Own Fairy Wings," has advice and instructions on making and embellishing wings and links for buying them.  You can use stuff often found at home (provided you usually have duct tape and pink stockings on hand) in these instructions from DIYnetwork.
image: fairy wings
Relache's fairy wings, Squidoo
Here are "30 Outrageous Hats Designed By The Guy Who Made Princess Beatrice’s Hat," offered by Matt Stopera at BuzzFeed.  I like these two:
An outrageous hat by Philip Treacy
An outrageous hat by Philip Treacy, BuzzFeed
image: Another outrageous hat by Philip Treacy
Another outrageous hat by Philip Treacy, BuzzFeed
My best find of the day, though, is Savers Thrift Stores, a network of thrift shops.  There's a store locator (Anchorage has, count 'em, 3 stores listed!) and some really good costume ideas.
image: Bad Fairy costume, Savers
Bad Fairy costume, Savers
Have fun creating and more fun partying.


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