
Monday, August 19, 2013

Sand painting

According to the Wikipedia article Sandpainting is a time-honored art form, not always used just for purposes of display:
Unfixed sand paintings have a long established cultural history in numerous social groupings around the globe, and are often temporary, ritual paintings prepared for religious or healing ceremonies. It is also referred to as drypainting.
image: Navaho sandpainting
Third Day Sandpainting,
The Navaho people call sandpaintings "places where the gods come and go;" and the figures in their paintings "are symbolic representations of a story in Navajo mythology."  In Tibet mandala sandpainting is a sacred art by the Tibetan Lamas of Drepung Loseling Monastery, used to heal the Earth.
image: Yamantaka Mandala
Yamantaka Mandala,
There's also Japanese tray landscapes, called bonseki, with 3-dimensional elements, looking like miniature sculptures. A more permanent form is called bonga, meaning tray picture.
image: Japanese tray picture
Mt. Fuji tray picture, Wikipedia
Present day sandpainting techniques use sand as the medium for an artwork.  After the sand is placed, varnish is applied to fix it, making the work more permanent.
image:  sandpainting by The Sandpainter, "Winter Shadows"
The Sandpainter, "Winter Shadows," Wikipedia
Another form of sandpainting includes elements of performance art.  Below is work beautifully done by Ilana Yahav:
-- Marge

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