
Wednesday, August 07, 2013

DIY: filming to witness

Recently my son told me about a video on YouTube that showed a man arrested for filming the police and the police killing his dog.  The video has some disturbing elements, so I'm not including it here.  The exact title is "Cops arrest man for filming them and then kill his dog" -- you can search for it.  The lesson here is -- if you're going to film, be aware of how your actions may affect those being filmed.

That said, here's an excellent guide for filming from from a page titled "Witness Video Advocacy Training Guide: Tips for Filming."
Going deeper into the concept of advocacy, good information can be found on the page Video Advocacy 101.  This film gives the basics:
Note that both these pages refer you to the Hub, which is no longer accepting content.  A link on the front pages directs you to an explanation why.

Video4change offers some insights on reasons why you might use video for social activism.  Digital Democracy emphasizes "empowering marginalized communities to use technology to fight for their human rights." And MIT has a Center for Civic Media that promotes "visual literacy."

As Sergeant Phil Esterhaus used to say in Hill Street Blues, "Hey, let's be careful out there." ***

-- Marge

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