
Friday, May 17, 2013

Cartoons: rabid Republicans

image:  cartoon by David Horsey about the Republican's Benghazi witch hunt

Recently I heard that President Obama may be impeached over the Benghazi "coverup."  I also heard that Congress passed a piece of legislation overnight to free up flights for home (CNN report).  Quoting Federal News Radio --
 The bill passed late Thursday without even a roll call vote, and House officials indicated it likely would be brought up for quick approval there.

Under the legislation, the Federal Aviation Administration would gain authority to transfer up to $253 million from accounts that are flush into other programs, to "prevent reduced operations and staffing" through the Sept. 30 end of the fiscal year.

In addition to restoring full staffing by controllers, Senate officials said the available funds should be ample enough to prevent the closure of small airport towers around the country. The FAA has said it will shut the facilities as it makes its share of $85 billion in across-the-board spending cuts - known as the sequester - that took effect last month at numerous government agencies.

The Senate acted as the FAA said there had been at least 863 flights delayed on Wednesday "attributable to staffing reductions resulting from the furlough."

image: cartoon by Mike Thompson about how much Congress cares about the consequences of its actions

There's information on "Why the GOP Might Impeach Obama..." in this Bloomberg article; note that they've called for his impeachment 14 times now (Salon).   An opinion piece by notes that Republicans Are Losing the American Culture War

image: cartoon by David Horsey about the Republican base

Although contributing to the partisanship and vitriol rampant in Washington is not something I prefer to do, I definitely think some cartoons are in order.  All of the cartoons in today's post were found at U. S. News, the cartoon section.

image: cartoon by Matt Davies about Congress' and Republicans' excellent ideas

-- Marge

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