
Sunday, December 31, 2017

Monday, December 18, 2017

Cartoons: the political pendulum in action

The defeat of Alabama's Roy Moore may be somewhat stale news now, but these cartoonists' takes on it are still timely and noteworthy.
image: cartoon by David Horsey
David Horsey, The Week
image: cartoon by Steve Sack
Steve Sack, The Week
image: cartoon by Tom Toles
Tom Toles, The Week

-- Marge

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Cartoons: What about no more federal government?

On December 22, Congress will again address a government shutdown. Forbes reports on the last near miss in Congress Has Narrowly Averted a Government Shutdown, for Now. With the way Trump's version of government is going, I'm thinking a shutdown wouldn't be such a bad thing.
image: cartoon by Steve Kelley
Steve Kelley, The Week

It's looking like Putin is a man for all seasons, but without the principles (or at least the same principles).
image: cartoon by Pat Bagley
Pat Bagley, The Week

-- Marge

Monday, December 04, 2017

Cartoons: we serfs

Net neutrality: are you for or against?
image: cartoon by Drew Sheneman
Drew Sheneman, The Week

America has a new motto: Government of the rich people, by the rich people, for the rich people.
image: cartoon by RJ Matson
RJ Matson, The Week

This one seems to be particularly true.
image: cartoon by Mike Luckovich
Mike Luckovich, The Week

-- Marge